Q. Oops, I forgot my password and I keep getting locked out of my computer when Screen Gear activates! What do I do? A. The best thing to do is force Screen Gear to quit by pressing and holding "option and command" and then press the "esc' key. This should allow for you to save and then quit any open applications that you may have. After all of the applications have been shutdown restart the computer. FYI you should restart the computer anytime you force an application to quit. Once you've restarted the computer, start Screen Gear if it's not already started. Then go to the "preferences..." menu option under the "File" menu and check the "Password" check box. From here you have several options, you can enter a new password and or check several different security options. You can even select the "No Password" button to remove password protection. If you can't access the preferences to change your password you will need to get a new fresh copy of Screen Gear from a backup or from the Screen Gear web site at http://www.screengear.com.gu/. Q. I get a message that say's I'm out of memory. What do I do? A. Screen Gear should be able to handle most of the memory needs by itself, but occasionally you may need to quit one or more open applications or reduce the bit depth of the monitor ( from thousands to 256 colors etc.) if you don't need it. Sometimes you may even need to increase the application's "Preferred size" by selecting Screen Gear and choosing the "File" menu's "Get Info". If you still can't allocate the memory you need, turn on virtual RAM in the memory control panels. The drawback to virtual RAM is that your performance will probably suffer, but it will work in a pinch. Lastly you may need to buy some more RAM, fortunately it's much cheaper these days. Q. I get a message that say's "Oops a folder with valid file types may not have been selected". I've selected a folder but I still keep getting this message.What do I do? A. You may have a situation where Screen Gear is having a difficult time finding valid files to display. By default Screen Gear will only look at 100 continious invalid files or 10 folders deep without a valid file. If Screen Gear can't find a valid file it will give up and present the this message. To correct the problem make sure you don't have a bunch of invalid files mixed in with your images. Likewise don't have a bunch of nested empty folders or folders with invalid files. Q. I want to register Screen Gear but I don't have access to the Internet. What do I do? A. Open the "Register" program that came with Screen Gear fill out the information and print it out. Place the printed paper and your check in a self addressed envelope and mail to (Kagi 1442-A Walnut Street #392-M3 Berkeley, California 94709-1405 USA). Q. I can't find the register program or I don't have a printer to print and mail the registration form and I don't have access to the Internet. What do I do? A. You can always get a fresh copy of Screen Gear and the register program from . If you don't have a printer and you don't have access to the Internet just put your "Name, Company, Address, City, State, ZIP or Postal CODE, Country, Phone Number on a piece of paper. Place the paper and your check in a self addressed envelope and mail to (Kagi 1442-A Walnut Street #392-M3 Berkeley, California 94709-1405 USA).